Spread the word, shout it from the rafters, our tipi hire company is shortlisted for E3 business awards
Hip hip hooray! It’s time to nip up our jolly large ladder (8m+ in fact) and shout loudly through the smoke flaps that Tipi Unique has been nominated as a finalist for E3’s New Business Start-up of the Year Award.
Following a gruelling application, we wowed the shortlisting panel with our innovative tipi installations, our customer-focused fixed price strategies and constant efforts to ensure added value. Furthermore, we demonstrated our passion and commitment to growing our business via our newly-developed tipi installation apprentice programme. As well as this, we shared considered plans for the re-investment into additional tipis and more fabulous hire items to make our ever-growing number and range of events, from weddings, parties to festivals and corporate get-togethers, even more special.
However, I still believe (still believe!) that for me, the best and perhaps the most overwhelming aspect was the chance to share with the judges some of our incredible testimonials received to date. Go on, settle in, grab a coffee and a mag and lose yourself in our wonderful and definitely heart-warming testimonials.
Now who couldn’t love their job with these frequently-popping-into-our-inbox amazing and kind words from customers who have had a ball? Such a privilege and a blessing for us to share in their special celebrations. Never losing sight of that passion and ability to make a difference, that’s what we think sets us apart. We hope you’ll agree.
Anyhows, back to the awards…So it’s judges’ houses (well ok, judges’ conference room in a hotel in Wigan) on Monday 18th April, 10:45am. We’ve got a 15-minute interview, followed by filming and a photoshoot. Sounds like my dream day – for those of you who have met me, the biggest challenge won’t be knowing what to say, it’s trying to stop talking (eek, little in-head squeal of excitement as I try to process the hugeness of this for us).
To top it all off, wait for it… yes that’s right we get to dust off the cocktail gowns and super-swish tux for an evening of celebration as the big decision is revealed on 3rd June, from 6pm onwards. Did I hear somebody say canapés and a chance to meet some other fab NW companies. Yes please! Looking forward to that one.
If you remember only one thing from today’s blog, just know that we are so darn happy and we’ll continue to keep working hard to bring our customers the very best equipment, install processes, customer experiences and above all else – our endless gratitude. Gratefulness and thankfulness for being able to contribute to and share in special occasions for many people across the North West.
Shameless self-promotion alert coming up… according to the honchos of the E3 awards, this year’s finalists faced even tougher criteria and judging conditions:
“Each year, it becomes more of an achievement to win a finalist’s place,” said Mubarak Chati, managing director of 1 Events Media, which hosts the E3 Awards. “Every year since we’ve started, we’ve seen an increase in nominations and a corresponding increase in quality. This year, across all sixteen award categories, we’ve seen an increase of around 25% on last year. That’s on top of last year’s increase which was itself up more than 30% on 2014.
We’ve had nominations from throughout the North West and we’ve seen real strength in all areas. Given the number and the high standard of entries, we certainly gave the Nominations Panel a difficult job. They have risen to the challenge, though, and their final selections represent the very best of the whole North West region. For Tipi Unique to have been named as a finalist for 2016 is an achievement of which it should be very proud.”
Well, I think that’s a fabulous place to end… go us. Yes, we are indeed very proud. Please keep fingers, toes, legs, arms and all other things crossed for us as we complete the interview on Monday. Of course, watch this space for our very own winners’ faces as we (hopefully) scoop the coveted award at the results night in June.
Bye for now folks. x